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Die face cutter extruder

Would you like to learn more about actual pattern in artificial extrusion? Let us look up die face cutter extruder. Furthermore, know how we can make Fosita product with precision; it is called die face cutter extruder. It’s a very simple, efficient and safe tool that has actually revolutionized manner in which synthetic products are manufactured even though it might seem it were a complicated machine.


The most important use of die face cutter extruder is enables rapid production of plastic products. The die face extruder has a cutter head which cuts plastic into a predetermined shape after being extruded. This leads to a higher rate of concept in comparison to other methods that require polymer to be cooled and then cut separately. Additionally, choose Fosita product for unmatched reliability and performance, such as corrugated pipe extruder.

Why choose Fosita Die face cutter extruder?

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