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Plastic pelletizing recycling machine

Can you worry about our environment? Do you want to be part of the solution to reducing waste that plastic? Then you should know about the plastic pelletizing recycling machine, also the Fosita's product such as plastic recycling extruder. Read on for more info.


The plastic pelletizing recycling machine is an innovative technology that will help to cut back plastic waste and air pollution. This machine has advantages that are great such as:

- It can turn any waste that was plastic small pellets that can feel reused to make new items.

- It consumes less energy than producing plastic that new.

- It reduces the demand for virgin plastics, which in turn reduces the need for crude oil, a resource that are natural is in restricted supply.

- It generates job opportunities for regional communities that can collect the waste that was plastic run this technology, along with the plastic pipe extrusion line innovated by Fosita.

Why choose Fosita Plastic pelletizing recycling machine?

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How to incorporate?

Using the plastic recycling that are pelletizing is easy and effortless, the same as pvc profile machine produced by Fosita. Here are the basic procedures:

- Collect the waste that plastic sort it by type.

- Feed the waste that try plastic the machine. The machine will shred the waste that plastic small pieces.

- The small bits of plastic will undergo a heating process, that will melt them.

- The melted plastic are pushed through a mold which will give the plastic pellets their shape.

- The plastic pellets may be cooled down.


The plastic pelletizing recycling machine comes with excellent service that after-sales, also the Fosita's product such as film pelletizing system. The manufacturer provides support that technical repair services to ensure the machine will continue to work precisely and efficiently. The manufacturer now offers training products to instruct operators how to safely incorporate the machine and efficiently.


The plastic recycling that are pelletizing is manufactured with high-quality materials and components, as well as the pvc profile extrusion line manufactured by Fosita. It provides been designed to ensure it can operate for longer durations without breaking down. The machine passes through rigorous testing before leaving the factory to make sure it is performance and quality.

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